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10 februari 2012: ook in onderstaande studie blijkt de waarde van melkzuurbacteriën - probiotica. daarom deze studie maar eens naar voren gehaald. Zie ook in linkerkolom meer artikelen over de positieve effecten van probiotica bij bv. bestraling, chemo, herstel na operatie enz. bij vele vormen van kanker

15 augustus 2005: Bron: Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005 Apr;390(2):104-13. Epub 2005 Feb 12.

Synbioticum (probioticum = melkzuurbacteriën plus voedingsstoffen voor bacterien) geeft hoog significant beschermend effect tegen infecties na operatieve ingreep bij galwegkanker. Het verschil in optredende infecties was maar liefst gedaald van 52% in de controlegroep tot 19% in de probioticagroep. Hier een zo goed als letterlijke vertaling van de resultaten uit deze studie bij gerandomiseerd 44 evalueerbare geopereerde patiënten.

RESULTATEN: Van de 54 patiënten, completeerden 44 de trial (21 ontvingen synbiotics en 23 anderen vormden de controlegroep). Postoperatieve veranderingen in L/M ratio (Lactulose/mannitol) en serum diamine oxidase (DAO) activiteit waren identiek in beide groepen. Aantal van gezondheidsbevorderende bacteria steeg in de synbiotics groep na operatie maar daalde in de controlegroep. Aantal van slechte micro organismes daalde in de synbiotics groep maar steeg in de controlegroep. Totale organische zuur concentraties stegen in de synbiotic groep maar daalden in de controlegroep. Het optreden van complicerende infecties was 19% (4/21) in de synbiotic groep en 52% (12/23) in de controlegroep (P<0.05). Alle studie patiënten tolereerden de operatie (sterfte 0%).

Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2005 Apr;390(2):104-13. Epub 2005 Feb 12.

Synbiotics reduce postoperative infectious complications: a randomized controlled trial in biliary cancer patients undergoing hepatectomy.

Kanazawa H, Nagino M, Kamiya S, Komatsu S, Mayumi T, Takagi K, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Tanaka R, Nimura Y.
Division of Surgical Oncology, Department of Surgery, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, 466-8550, Japan, ynimura@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp.

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The clinical value of synbiotics in surgical patients remains unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of synbiotics on intestinal integrity and microflora, as well as on surgical outcome, in patients undergoing high-risk hepatectomy.

METHODS: Fifty-four patients with biliary cancer were randomly allocated to two groups before hepatectomy. One group received postoperative enteral feeding that included synbiotics; the other received enteral feeding only. Lactulose/mannitol (L/M) ratio, serum diamine oxidase (DAO) activity, and fecal microflora and organic acid concentrations were determined. Postoperative infectious complications were recorded.

RESULTS: Of the 54 patients, 44 completed the trial (21 receiving synbiotics and 23 others as controls). Postoperative changes in L/M ratios and serum DAO activities were identical between the two groups. Numbers of beneficial bacteria increased in the synbiotics group after surgery but decreased in controls. Numbers of harmful microorganisms decreased in the synbiotics group but increased in controls. Total organic acid concentrations increased in the synbiotics group but decreased in controls. Incidence of infectious complications was 19% (4/21) in the synbiotics group and 52% (12/23) in controls (P<0.05). All study patients tolerated surgery (mortality 0%).

CONCLUSIONS: Synbiotics, combined with early enteral nutrition, can reduce postoperative infections. This beneficial effect presumably involves correction of an intestinal microbial imbalance induced by surgical stress.

PMID: 15711820 [PubMed - in process]

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